
"Village Street and Stairs with Figures" (1890), oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm, of the painter Vincent Van Gogh, contemporary of Tournemire (Ateneumin Taidemuseo, Helsinki)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Charles Tournemire


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Charles (Arnould) Tournemire was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Bordeaux on the 22nd Jenuary 1870, the same year of the composers Breil, Büttner, Casadesus, Coerne, Dopper, Estella, Garcia Mansilla, Hermann, Hill, Hosmer, Koreshchenko, Lehár, Lekeu, Leps, Lleó, Malherbe, Mlynarski, Moreau, Novák, Opienski, Pittrich, Pons, Pryor, Ryelandt, Schenck, Schuster, Straus, Truman. He died in Arcachon on the third November 1939

project Tournemire (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism


"Nittetis" was performed in 1907

"Les Dieux sont morts" was performed in Parigi on the 19th of March 1924 (Théâtre de l'Opéra)

"La Légende de Tristan" has been represented in 1926

"Il poverello di Assisi" has been represented in 1938

Charles Tournemire


"Ah! Seigneur, qu'ai-je? Hélas? me voici tout en larmes", op. 34 n. 8, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"J'ai répondu: Seigneur, vous avez dit mon âme", op. 34 n. 2, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Mon Dieu m'a dit: Mon fils, il faut m'aimer. Tu vois", op. 34 n. 1, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"J'ai peur Seigneur... Mon âme en moi tressaille toute", op. 34 n. 6, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Approche-toi de mon oreille Épanches-y", op. 34 n. 5, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Pauvre âme, c'est celà", op. 34 n. 9, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Il faut m'aimer... Je suis ces Fous que tu nommais", op. 34 n. 5, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Seigneur, c'est trop! Vraiment je n'ose. Aimer qui? Vous", op. 34 n. 4, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

"Il faut m'aimer!... Je suis l'universel Baiser", op. 34 n. 3, text of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)


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