Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius Kunzen


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius Kunzen, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Lübeck on the 24th September 1761, the same year of the composers Abeille, Alday, Cimador, Lefèbvre, Masek, Perotti, Stevenson, Trento. He died in Copenaghen on the 28th Jenuary 1817

project Kunzen (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of late Baroque


"Holger Danske" was performed on the 31th of March 1789 in Copenaghen

"Das Fest der Winzer, oder Die Weinlese" (Viinhøsten) was performed on the 3rd of May 1793 in Francoforte sul Meno

"Festen i Valhal" was performed in Copenaghen in 1796

"Hemmeligheden" was performed on the 22nd of November 1796 in Copenaghen

"Dragedukken" was performed on the 14th of March 1797 in Copenaghen

"Jokeyen" was performed in 1797

"Erik Ejegod" was performed on the 30th of Jenuary 1798 in Copenaghen

"Naturens røst" was performed in Copenaghen on the 22nd of November 1799

"Min bedste moder" was performed on the 15th of May 1800 in Copenaghen

"Hjemkomsten" has been represented in 1802 in Copenaghen

"Eropolis" was performed in 1803

"Den logerende" was performed in 1804

"Hussitterne" was performed in 1806

"Ossians Harfe" has been represented in Vienna in c,1806

"Gyrithe" was performed in 1807 in Copenaghen

"Kapertoget" was performed in 1808

"Kaerlighed paa landet" was performed on the 23rd of March 1810 in Copenaghen

"Husarerne paa frieri" was performed in 1813

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


copyright ItalianOPERA ©


"The Nightmare" (1781), oil on canvas, 127 x 102 cm, of the painter Johann Heinrich (Henry Fuseli) Fussli, contemporary of Kunzen (Institute of the Arts, Detroit)

Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius Kunzen

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