Martin-Joseph Robson


"The Departure" (1837), oil on canvas, 100.3 x 160 cm, of the painter Thomas Cole, contemporary of Robson (The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington)


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The musician Martin-Joseph Robson was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Turnhout on the 18th November 1817, the same year of the composers Agnelli, Deldevez, Duggan, Gade, German Reed, Gregoir, Katski, Kreutzer, Kuntze, Lefébure-Wély, Mabellini, Maillart, Pedrotti, Soriano Fuertes y Piqueras, Thern, Tiehsen. He died in Turnhout on the 6th March 1884

project Robson (Deeper articles)

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Martin-Joseph Robson


"Charles Quint" has been represented in (?)

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