"Table, Napkin, and Fruit" (1895), oil on canvas, 47 x 56 cm, of the painter Paul Cezanne, contemporary of Valverde Sanjuán (The Barnes Foundation, Merion)

Quinto Valverde Sanjuán

Quinto Valverde Sanjuán


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

project Valverde Sanjuán (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Quinto (Joaquin) Valverde Sanjuán was born in Madrid on the second Jenuary 1875, the same year of the composers Agostini, Alfano, Coleridge-Taylor, Courvoisier, Darzins, Eisler, Fano, Février, Glier, Horák, Huszka, Ketèlbey, Kreisler, Labey, Mariotte, Melartin, Montemezzi, Nouguès, Ollone, Pacchierotti, Panizza, Ravel, Riccitelli, Rootham, Rubens, Rôze, Scheinpflug, Shaw, Szulc, Tovey. Died in Mexico on the 4th November 1918

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Con las de Cain" has been represented in 1890

"La marcha de Cadíz" has been represented in 1896

"El pobre Valbuena" was performed in 1904

"El amigo Melquíades" has been represented in 1914

"La maison des danses" was performed in (?)

"El gran capitán" was performed in (?)

"Bettina" was performed in (?)

"Caretas y capuchones" has been represented in (?)

"La mulata" has been represented in (?)

"Pasacalle" has been represented in (?)

"La ola verde" was performed in (?)

"El pollo Tejeda" has been represented in (?)

"El mirlo blanco" has been represented in (?)

"El doctor Paletilla" has been represented in (?)

"El terrible Pérez" has been represented in (?)

"El paso de Judas" was performed in (?)


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