"The Danza"
di Arlo Bates (1850-1918)

If you never have danced the Danza
With its wondrous rhythmic twirl,
While close to your boom panted
Some dark-eyed creole girl,
Of dancing, you know naught.
By Inez I was taught.
'Tis a dance with the stranges pauses,
It moves as the breezes blow,
And her lips were like pomegranate blossoms
And her teeth were white as snow.
Of beauty I knew naught;
By Inez I was taught.
In the garden splashed the fountain,
Where the palm-trees hid the moon...
Who well had the Danza trodden
A kiss might crave as boon;
Of loving I knew naught;
By Inez I was taught.