Hellmuth Christian Wolff


"Guitar and Music Paper" (1926), oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm, of the painter Juan Gris, contemporary of Wolff (Saidenberg Gallery, New York)


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The musician Hellmuth Christian Wolff, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Zurigo on the 23th May 1906, the same year of the composers Adaskin, Balanchivadze, Borck, Borris, Brkanovic, Capdevielle, Caturla, Cooke, Gideon, Hutchings, Kreutz, Kókai, Liljefors, Lockwood, Lopes-Graça, Lutyens, Mirouze, Moyzes, O Gallagher, Papandopulo, Pergament, Pittaluga, Raciunas, Rollin, Saikkola, Schaeuble, Shostakovich, Talma, Tamkin, Thiriet. He died in Leipzig on the first July 1988

project Wolff (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900

Hellmuth Christian Wolff


"Der kleine und der grosse Klaus" has been represented in 1931

"Der kleine und der grosse Klaus" (rev) was performed in 1940

"Die törichten Wünsche" was performed in 1943

"Der Tod des Orpheus" has been represented in 1947

"Ich lass' mich scheiden" has been represented in 1950

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