Giuseppe Porsile


"Arlecchino Emperor in the Moon" (1708), oil on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, of the painter Jean-Antoine Watteau, contemporary of Porsile (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes)


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The musician Giuseppe Porsile (Porcile) was born in Napoli on the 5th May 1680, the same year of the composers Astorga, Baliani, Buini, Canuti, Chiochiolo, Dornel, Facco, Galliard, Huguenet, Rampini, Valentini. He died in Vienna on the 29th May 1750

project Porsile (Deeper articles)

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Giuseppe Porsile


"Il ritorno d'Ulisse alla patria" was performed in Napoli in 1707 (Teatro dei Fiorentini)

"Il giorno natalizio dell'imperatrice Amalia Wilhelmina" was performed in Vienna on the 21st of April 1717

"La Virtù festeggiata" was performed on the 10th of July 1717 in Vienna

"Alceste" was performed on the 19th of November 1718 in Vienna

"Meride e Selinunte" was performed on the 28th of August 1721

"Il tempo fermato" was performed on the 15th of October 1721 in Vienna

"La Virtù e la Bellezza in lega" was performed on the 15th of October 1722 in Vienna (Grosses Hoftheater)

"Il giorno felice" was performed on the 28th of August 1723 in Vienna

"Componimento a due voci" was performed on the 28th of August 1725 in Vienna

"Spartaco" was performed on the 21st of February 1726 in Vienna (KHoftheater)

"Il tempio di Giano, chiuso da Cesare Augusto" was performed on the 1st of October 1726

"La clemenza di Cesare" was performed on the 1st of October 1727

"Telesilla" was performed in Vienna on the 19th of November 1729

"Scipione Africano, il maggiore" was performed on the 1st of October 1730

"Dialogo tra il Decoro e la Placidezza" was performed in Vienna on the 26th of July 1732

"Dialogo pastorale a cinque voci" was performed on the 28th of August 1732

"Dialogo tra la Prudenza e la Vivacità" was performed on the 15th of October 1732 in Vienna

"La Fama accresciuta dalla Virtù" was performed on the 15th of October 1735 in Vienna

"Sesostri, re d'Egitto, ovvero Le feste d'Iside" has been put on the stage in carnival 1737 in Vienna

"Il giudizio rivocato" was performed on the 15th of October 1737 in Vienna

"Psiche" was performed in (?)

"Osmeno e Fileno" was performed in 1712

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