
"A Dutch Courtyard" (1659), oil on canvas, 69.5 x 60 cm, of the painter Pieter de Hooch, contemporary of Melani (National Gallery of Art, Washington)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Alessandro Melani


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Alessandro Melani was born in Pistoia on the 4th February 1639, the same year of the composer Masini. He died in Roma on the th October 1703

project Melani (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of first 1600


"L'empio punito", Dramma per musica in 3 Acts, has been put on the stage in carnival 1669 in Roma

"Il trionfo della continenza considerato in Scipione Africano" has been represented in 1677 in Fano

"Le reciproche gelosie" (Il sospetto senza fondamento) was performed in Siena in 1677

"Roberto ovvero Il carceriere di se medesimo" (La calma fra le tempeste) was performed in 1681 in Firenze

"Ama chi t'ama" (Chi geloso non è amar non sa; Gli amori di Lidia e Clori) has been represented in Siena in 1682

"S. Dinna" has been represented in Roma in 1687

"Idaspe" was performed in (?)

"Capriccio a 3, bacchettone, soldato e giocatore" has been represented in (?)

"L'Europa" was performed in (?)

"Rinaldo" has been represented in (?)

Alessandro Melani


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