Marcel (François Paul) Landowski


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Marcel (François Paul) Landowski, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Prêt L'Abbé on the 18th February 1915, the same year of the composers Catunda, Cockshott, Cumbersworth, Ehrlich, Gallois-Montbrun, Hanus, Kilpatrick, Kondorossy, Kovách, Lee, Legley, Nystedt, Pajaro, Persichetti, Quinet, Richter, Sagaev, Searle, Surinach, Toda, Vallerand, Van de Woestijne. He died in Parigi on the 22nd December 1999

project Landowski (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900


"Le Tour d'une aile de pigeon" was performed on the 1st of April 1938 in Parigi

"Le Rire de Nils Halerius" was performed on the 19th of Jenuary 1951 in Mulhouse

"Le Fou" was performed in Nancy on the 1st of February 1956

"Le Ventriloque" was performed on the 8th of February 1957 in Parigi

"Les Adieux" was performed on the 8th of October 1960 in Parigi

"L'Opéra de poussière" was performed in Avignon on the 25th of October 1962

"La Sorcière du placard aux balais" was performed in Sèvres on the 2nd of May 1983

"Montségur" was performed on the 1st of Jenuary 1985 in Parigi

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


copyright ItalianOPERA ©


"The Flower Carrier" (1935), oil and tempera on masonite, 121.9 x 121.3 cm, of the painter Diego Rivera, contemporary of Landowski (Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco)

Marcel (François Paul) Landowski

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