Hugo Herrmann


"Suprematist Painting" (1916), oil on canvas, 88 x 70 cm, of the painter Kasimir Malevich, contemporary of Herrmann (Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam)


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Hugo Herrmann, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Ravensburg on the 19th April 1896, the same year of the composers Adam (Ádám), Brand, Confalonieri, Gerhard, Hanson, Labroca, Lang, Lecuona, Mitropoulos, Rasheed, Rivier, Schröder, Szeligowski, Thomson. He died in Stoccarda on the 7th September 1967

project Herrmann (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Hugo Herrmann


"Gazellenhorn" has been represented in Stoccarda in 1929

"Vasantasena" has been represented in Wiesbaden in 1930

"Das Wunder" has been represented in 1937 in Stoccarda

"Paracelsus" has been represented in Bremen in 1943

"Picknick" has been represented in (?)

"Der Rekord" has been represented in (?)

"Der Überfall" was performed in (?)

"Die Heinzelmännchen" has been represented in (?)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


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