Theodor Hentschel


"A Burial at Ornans" (1850), oil on canvas, 314 x 663 cm, of the painter Gustave Courbet, contemporary of Hentschel (Musee d'Orsay, Paris)


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The musician Theodor Hentschel, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Schirgiswalde on the 28th March 1830, the same year of the composers Adelburg, Arcais, Bülow, Durand, Goldmark, Grandval, Heise, Hellmesberger, Kretschmer, Lassen, Leschetizky, Minchejmer, Métra, Riccius, Serrao, Skuherský, Tolbecque. He died in Hamburg on the 19th December 1892

project Hentschel (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism

Theodor Hentschel


"Matrose und Sänger" has been represented in Lipsia in 1857

"Der Königspage" was performed in 1874 in Bremen

"Die Braut von Lusignan, oder Die chöne Melusine" has been represented in 1875 in Bremen

"Lancelot" has been represented in 1878 in Bremen

"Des Königs Schwerdt" was performed in Amburgo in 1891

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