Erwin Dressel


"The Lighthouse at Two Lights" (1929), oil on canvas, 29 1/2 x 43 1/4 in, of the painter Edward Hopper, contemporary of Dressel (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)


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The musician Erwin Dressel, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Berlino on the 10th June 1909, the same year of the composers Bacewicz, Bijvanck, Bjelinski, Constantinescu, Cornejo, Doubrava, Dzerzhinsky, Easdale, Estrada, Gavazzeni, Hajdu, Holmboe, Horký, Hughes, Kagen, Kubin, Lavagnino, Murrill, Mushel', Nordoff, Orr, Pesonen, Prokopiev, Röttger, Schoop, Schwaen, Siegmeister, Skulte, Thomas, Tuukkanen, Uhl. He died in Berlino on the 17th December 1972

project Dressel (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900

Erwin Dressel


"Der arme Columbus" was performed in Kassel on the 19th of February 1928

"Der Kuchentanz" was performed in Kassel on the 18th of May 1929

"Der Rosenbusch der Maria" was performed on the 23rd of June 1930 in Lipsia

"Die Zwillingsesel" was performed on the 29th of April 1932 in Dresda

"Jery und Bätely" has been represented in 1932 in Berlino

"Die Laune der Verliebten" was performed in 1949 in Amburgo

"Der Bär" was performed in 1963 in Berne

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