Marc'Antonio Sportonio


"Aristotle contemplating a bust of Homer" (1653), oil on canvas, 143.5 x 136.5 cm, of the painter Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt, contemporary of Sportonio (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Marc'Antonio Sportonio, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Bologna in 1631, the same year of the composer Tiberti. He died in Palermo in 1680

project Sportonio (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of first 1600

Marc'Antonio Sportonio

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Elena" has been performed in carnival 1661 in Palermo

"LaFlavia Imperatrice" has been put on the stage in Palermo in March 1669

"Caligola" was performed in Palermo in 1675

"La Fiordispina" has been represented in Palermo in 1678


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