Salvatore Rispoli


"Il Campo di Rialto" (1763), oil on canvas, 119 x 186 cm, of the painter Giovanni Antonio Canaletto, contemporary of Rispoli (Gemaeldegalerie, Berlin)


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The musician Salvatore Rispoli, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Napoli in 1739, the same year of the composers Accorimboni, Dittersdorf, Legros, Pouteau, Rust, Vanhal. He died in Napoli in 1812

project Rispoli (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of late Baroque

Salvatore Rispoli


"Il trionfo de' pupilli oppressi" was performed on the 20th of Jenuary 1782 in Napoli (Teatro dei Fiorentini)

"Nitteti" was performed on the 26th of December 1782 in Torino (Teatro Regio)

"Ipermestra" was performed in Milano on the 26th of December 1785 (Teatro alla Scala)

"Idalide" was performed on the 26th of December 1786 in Torino (Teatro Regio)

"Il trionfo di Davide" was performed in 1787 in Napoli (Teatro Fondo)

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