
"Charge of the Lancers" (1915), oil on canvas, 32 x 50 cm, of the painter Umberto Boccioni, contemporary of Dostal (Collection Dr. Riccardo Jucker, Milan)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Nico Dostal


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Nico Dostal was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Korneuburg on the 25th November 1895, the same year of the composers Baeyens, Binder, Brustad, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Castro, Dandelot, Estrada, Gotovac, Gray, Guerrero (y Torre), Hindemith, Höffer, Kattnigg, Kogoj, Lyatoshyns'ky, Martelli, Nechayev, Orff, Osterc, Rathaus, Rocca, Schiuma, Still, Thórdarson, Tijardovic, Toldrá, Trambitsky. He died in Salisburgo on the 27th October 1981

project Dostal (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism


"Clivia" was performed in 1933 in Berlino

"Die Vielgeliebte" has been represented in 1934 in Berlino

"Prinzessin Nofretete" was performed in 1935 in Köln

"Extrablätter" was performed in Bremen in 1937

"Monika" has been represented in Stoccarda in 1937

"Die ungarische Hochzeit" was performed in Stoccarda in 1938

"Die Flucht ins Glück" has been represented in 1940 in Stoccarda

"Die grosse Tänzerin" was performed in 1941

"Manina" has been represented in Berlino in 1942

"Der Kurier der Königin" was performed in 1950 in Amburgo

"Zirkusblut" has been represented in 1951 in Bielefeld

"Doktor Eisenbart" has been represented in 1952 in Nürnberg

"Rhapsodie der Liebe" has been represented in 1963 in Nürnberg

Nico Dostal


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