Francesco Brusa


"Commedianti italiani" (1720), oil on canvas, 64 x 76 cm, of the painter Jean-Antoine Watteau, contemporary of Brusa (National Gallery of Art, Washington)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Francesco (Giovanni) Brusa, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Venezia in 1700, the same year of the composers Blavet, Chinzer, Cordans, Corradini, Duni, Grua, Herrando, Maccari, Mastini, Micheli, Richter, Roberto, Sammartini, Sellitto. He died in 1768

project Brusa (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Baroque

Francesco Brusa

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Il trionfo della virtù" has been performed in Venezia in autumn 1724 (Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo)

"L'amore eroico" was performed in Venezia in 1725 (Teatro San Samuele)

"Arsace" was performed in Milano on the 28th of August 1725 (Teatro Ducale)

"Medea e Giasone" was performed on the 26th of December 1726 in Venezia (Teatro Sant'Angelo)

"Semiramide riconosciuta" has been performed in February 1756 in Venezia (Teatro San Benedetto)

"L'Angelica" was performed in Venezia on the 28th of February 1756 (Teatro San Benedetto)

"Adriano in Siria" has been put on the stage in Jenuary 1757 in Venezia (Teatro San Benedetto)

"Le statue" was performed on the 27th of December 1757 in Venezia (Teatro San Samuele)

"La cascina" has been performed in carnival 1758 in Pesaro

"La ritornata da Londra" has been put on the stage in carnival 1759 in Forli

"L'Olimpiade" was performed in Venezia in 1766 (Teatro San Benedetto)


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