Wenzel Theodor Bradsky


"The Awakening Conscience" (1853), oil on canvas, 76.2 x 55.9 cm, of the painter William Holman Hunt, contemporary of Bradsky (Tate Gallery, London)


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The musician Wenzel Theodor Bradsky was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Rakovnik on the 17th Jenuary 1833, the same year of the composers Bache, Borodin, Brahms, Brambach, Dorn, Hornstein, Mertke, Reichel, Ritter, Rozkosný. He died in Rakovnik on the 10th August 1881

project Bradsky (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism

Wenzel Theodor Bradsky


"Roswitha" has been represented in 1860 in Dessau

"Das Krokodil" has been represented in 1862

"Jarmila" has been represented in 1879 in Praga

"Der Rattenfänger von Hameln" has been represented in 1881 in Berlino


"Frage nicht", op. 51 n. 1, text of Robert Eduard Prutz (1816-1872)

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