
"Venus at Her Mirror" (1644), oil on canvas, 122.5 x 177 cm, of the painter Diego Velazquez, contemporary of Bontempi (National Gallery, London)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Giovanni Andrea Bontempi


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Giovanni Andrea Bontempi, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Perugia in 1624, the same year of the composer Pohle. Died in Brufa (Torgiano, Perugia) on the first July 1705

project Bontempi (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of first 1600


"Il Paride in musica" was performed in Dresda on the 3rd of November 1662

"Apollo e Dafne" was performed in Dresda on the 3rd of September 1671

"Jupiter und Io" (Giove e Io) was performed on the 16th of Jenuary 1673 in Dresda

"Teseo" was performed on the 27th of Jenuary 1667 in Dresda

Giovanni Andrea Bontempi


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